Rabu, 31 Desember 2014

2015 Chevrolet Camaro SS Figthing Car

2015 Chevrolet Camaro became very famous in the world, including in Indonesia, since a significant appearance in the American box office movie, Transformers. Chevrolet Camaro itself is available in various types or models

Specifications 2015 Chevrolet Camaro SS and RS
In the market Chevrolet...
2015 Chevrolet Camaro SS Figthing Car

Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

Resep Macaroni Schotel Kukus yummy

Resep Macaroni Schotel, berbagai masakan sechotel yang udah di kenal di seluruh indonesi tapi tau ga masakakn scotel yang pailing enak dan nikmat adalah masakan yang kan kita buat ini, dengan paduan bumbu yang khas dari yang lain menjadi menu masakan ini sangat istimewa, yuk mari kita bikin ...
Resep Macaroni Schotel Kukus yummy

Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

2015 Nissan Skyline GT-R R35 45th Anniversary Edition

2015 Nissan Skyline R35 His name is a special edition, is different from the usual. Nissan GT-R 45th Anniversary Edition is still based on the product GT-R for 2015, but with a special color that is "Silica Brass" that has been used for the Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R M-Spec in the year 2001.

2015 Nissan Skyline GT-R R35 45th Anniversary Edition

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

Resep Sop Ayam Paling Lezat

Resep sop Ayam resep ini emang sangat istimewa di bandingkan dengan resep yang lainyanya tentunya rasa , dan aroma khas dari ayam yang sangat mengoda, nah sup ayam kali ini kita akan membuatnya menjadi lebih sehat , kita akan menambahkan sayuran di dalamnya , hmm yummy pasti aka jadi tambah n...
Resep Sop Ayam Paling Lezat

Senin, 22 Desember 2014

BMW 325i Car Price and Review

BMW 325i ConnectedDrive is a concept of the BMW Group to create connectivity between the driver with the car and with the world around them with the support of high technology.

One of the services of this technology is that it allows the driver and passengers to access multimedia content on...
BMW 325i Car Price and Review

Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

Resep Sop Durian Enak dan Segar

Resep Sop durian kalo dilahat namanya kedengaranya memang aneh kan, pasti kalian pada berpikir iya kan,  kok durian di bikin sop apa iya enak padahal kalo di lihat buahnya aja pasti ga memungkinkan untuk di buat sop. jauh kan dari semua pikiran itu , nah sekarang kita akan membuatnya sop durian y...
Resep Sop Durian Enak dan Segar

Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Resep bumbu Olesan Jagung bakar

Bumbu olesan jagung bakar Memang Seh keliahatanya sangat sedarhana tapi kalo ga tau cara bikinya pasti jagungnya jadi ga enak benerkan, nah apa seh yang di butuhin buat bikin jagung bakar yang enak penasaran kan jagung bakar ini sangat cocok banget di makan pas hujan hujan gini mantap banget pas ...
Resep bumbu Olesan Jagung bakar

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014

2015 Nissan Juke Review

2015 Nissan Juke After successfully doing business for 4 years in the automotive world together with the Nissan Juke, eventually the Japanese car manufacturer will launch a new model mini crossover Juke in 2015. In the new models are released next year will be using the machine New Qashqai...
2015 Nissan Juke Review

Resep Cake Pisang Asli Mantap

Resep Cake Pisang cake lembut dengan rasa pisang yang sangat menggugah selera bagi setiap orang yang mencium aroma pisang yang khas pastilah kalo di rasakan pasti ga kecewa. kelembutan yang khas, hmmm yummy apalagi kalo di tambahi dengan taburan mesies yang manis banget inilah kua yang di n...
Resep Cake Pisang Asli Mantap

Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

Ferrari F355 is an Evolution

Ferrari F355 is an evolution of the Ferrari 348 sports car produced from 1994 to 1999. Inside the cabin, the Ferrari F355 is equipped sporty seats with high-quality leather made by Connolly Leather. For the exterior, the Ferrari F355 has been designed with front and rear suspension systems are...
Ferrari F355 is an Evolution

Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

Resep Muffin Coklat Lembut

Resep muffin coklat kui ini sangat lah cocok di gunakan sebagai menu cemilan andalan , dan sangat lah wajib anda coba, dengan kepingan coklat yang lembut
menjadikan kue ini sangat lah berbeda dari yang lainya, yang suka sama coklat pasti akan sangat menyukai kue ini penasaran , nah gimana seh...
Resep Muffin Coklat Lembut

Senin, 08 Desember 2014

2014 Nissan Altima New

2014 Nissan Altima  may not have entered the Indonesian automotive market since the mid-2014"s new car Nissan Altima in the United States has just been released. New Nissan Altima 2014 price alone is expected to compete in the class of 200 millions. But if the car went into Indonesia of course ...
2014 Nissan Altima New

Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Resep Ayam Goreng Crispy

Resep Ayam goreng Crispy siapa seh yang kenal dengan namanya ayam goreng crispy pastilah kalo semua orang tau jenis masakan ini masakan yang bisa menjadi andalan keluarga kita biasanya kita cuma bisa beli di kfc atau di mcd kan, atau ayam abal abal di pinggir jalan lebih ga sehat lagi itu b...
Resep Ayam Goreng Crispy

Jumat, 28 November 2014

2015 Dodge Challenger SRT

2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Chrysler Group officially produce their muscle cars (muscle car) which is very powerful through, Dodge Challenger SRT 2015. Little Hellcat foreign to those who have never heard of this street legal car. We are more familiar with such as the Chevrolet Camaro muscle car...
2015 Dodge Challenger SRT

Selasa, 25 November 2014

Resep Roti Boy Mantap

Resep Roti Boy hayo siap seh yang ga kenal dengan namanya roti boy, roti khas ber aroma kopi dan susu , yang menjadikan roti ini menjadi sangat istimewa dan mentap deh pokokmya, nah masih pada penasaran raghasianya seh yang bikin roti ini enak dan mantap , nah skrg saya kasih tau ...
Resep Roti Boy Mantap

Selasa, 18 November 2014

Resep Cake Pandan di kukus

Resep Cake Pandan udah lama banget ya ga update tentang resep masakan karena ada kesibukan offline jadi terbengkelai deh nah sekarang kita muali bikin resep istimewa yang pastinya kalian tunggu tunggu kan kue satu ini emang enak banget kok kalian pasti ga akan nyesel kalo ga mencobanya , yuk k...
Resep Cake Pandan di kukus

Kamis, 13 November 2014

Renault Duster 1.5 dCi

Performance and Handling

Surprising strength has been very pronounced even when the new clutch is released without having to step on the gas. Okay, it is characteristic of the Diesel engine, not too weird. But this would make anyone who test Duster would shake his head in amazement mark ......
Renault Duster 1.5 dCi

Rabu, 12 November 2014

Resep Chiffon Cake Lembut

Resep Chiffon Cake menu masakan yang sangat perlu untuk di coba, rasa yang lembut kaya lumer di mulut saking enaknya, cake ini sangatlah cocok banget kalo kita sajikan bersama keluarga kita menikmati di kala santai bersama , nah sekarang gimana kalo kita mencobanya :

Resep Chiffon Cake...
Resep Chiffon Cake Lembut

Sabtu, 08 November 2014

Mudah Coconut Shrimp Curry

Mudah Coconut Shrimp Curry

Coconut Shrimp Curry tentang Simply Recipes
Ini adalah salah satu cepat dan mudah hidangan hari kerja. Polos, tapi begitu memuaskan. Nyaman juga, jika Anda, seperti saya, kebetulan menyimpan tas udang di freezer dan kaleng santan di pantry. Anda bisa memasak seluruh hidangan dalam 30 menit atau kurang, dan itu dimulai dengan udang beku!
Aku membuat sebuah penemuan penting ketika bekerja pada resep ini. Batch pertama kami membuat berakhir terlalu tebal, jadi kami pikir, mengapa tidak menggunakan santan cahaya, bukan? Bencana. Rasanya mengerikan. Kami kemudian melakukan uji rasa membandingkan santan reguler ke berbagai cahaya, dalam kaleng mereka. Santan biasa indah, kaya dan kelapa-y. Santan cahaya? Coconut rasa susu magnesium.
Jadi, saya sarankan, jika Anda bahkan mempertimbangkan menggunakan santan ringan untuk resep ini, yang Anda lakukan uji rasa sebelum membuat saus. Hanya mengeluarkan setengah sesendok dari kaleng dibuka. Bandingkan dengan santan biasa. Anda ingin santan mencicipi terbaik untuk resep ini atau resep yang panggilan untuk itu!
Ikuti di Pinterest
Mudah Coconut Shrimp Curry Recipe
Waktu persiapan: 5 minutesCook waktu: 25 minutesYield: 4 porsi.
Untuk mencairkan udang beku, udang tempat dalam mangkuk besar, tutup dengan dingin, air ringan asin. Tambahkan beberapa es batu. Diamkan selama 15 menit sampai dicairkan.
Ini adalah resep dasar. Silahkan berpakaian itu. Tambahkan seledri cincang atau paprika untuk bawang dan / atau jahe segar atau potong dadu tomat. Bereksperimen dengan bumbu kari yang Anda gunakan.
Simpan Resep
1 sendok makan minyak zaitun
1 cangkir cincang halus bawang
1/2 sendok teh bubuk kari ringan kuning
Pinch tanah kapulaga atau benih dari 1 Resep Masakan Nusantara kapulaga polong, hancur
1/2 sendok teh garam Kosher
1 cangkir santan kaleng (menggunakan santan biasa TIDAK cahaya)
Air 1/4 cangkir
1 £ mentah, kupas, deveined udang (dengan atau tanpa ekor)
Cilantro untuk hiasan
Jika Anda belum defrosted udang, jika menggunakan beku, lakukan itu sementara Anda menyiapkan saus. Udang akan dicairkan dan siap untuk memasak pada saat saus dilakukan.
kelapa-udang-kari 1 kelapa-udang-kari-2
1 Panaskan minyak zaitun dalam ukuran tumis panci menengah atas api sedang. Tambahkan bawang cincang. Masak sampai tembus, sekitar 5 menit. Tambahkan bubuk kari, kapulaga, dan garam. Masak selama dua menit lagi.
kelapa-udang-kari-3 kelapa-udang-kari-4
2 Tambahkan santan dan air, didihkan selama 5 sampai 10 menit.
kelapa-udang-kari-5 kelapa-udang-kari-6
3. Tambahkan udang ke saus kari dan tersebar merata dalam panci. Didihkan selama 5 menit, aduk sesekali, sampai udang telah berubah dari abu-abu menjadi merah muda dan hanya matang. Jangan terlalu lama atau udang akan karet.
Sajikan dengan cilantro untuk hiasan. Sajikan dengan nasi basmati atau lebih baik lagi,

Jumat, 07 November 2014

Resep Cream Soup Dengan Ayam Special

Resep Cream soup yang sangat istimewa dan kaya akan gizy pastinya , rasa lembut dari souop ini menjadikan men adalan keluarga kita dan istimewa tentunya ga sulit kok membuat masakan sejenis soopu enak banget contaohnya seperti masakan ini Chicken cream soup atau sup krim ayam. Siapapun akan j...
Resep Cream Soup Dengan Ayam Special

Kamis, 06 November 2014

Mudah Coconut Shrimp Curry

Mudah Coconut Shrimp Curry

Ini adalah salah satu cepat dan mudah hidangan hari kerja. Polos, tapi begitu memuaskan. Nyaman juga, jika Anda, seperti saya, kebetulan menyimpan tas udang di freezer dan kaleng santan di pantry. Anda bisa memasak seluruh hidangan dalam 30 m Resep Masakan Nusantara enit atau kurang, dan itu dimulai dengan udang beku!
Aku membuat sebuah penemuan penting ketika bekerja pada resep ini. Batch pertama kami membuat berakhir terlalu tebal, jadi kami pikir, mengapa tidak menggunakan santan cahaya, bukan? Bencana. Rasanya mengerikan. Kami kemudian melakukan uji rasa membandingkan santan reguler ke berbagai cahaya, dalam kaleng mereka. Santan biasa indah, kaya dan kelapa-y. Santan cahaya? Coconut rasa susu magnesium.
Jadi, saya sarankan, jika Anda bahkan mempertimbangkan menggunakan santan ringan untuk resep ini, yang Anda lakukan uji rasa sebelum membuat saus. Hanya mengeluarkan setengah sesendok dari kaleng dibuka. Bandingkan dengan santan biasa. Anda ingin santan mencicipi terbaik untuk resep ini atau resep yang panggilan untuk itu!
Ikuti di Pinterest
Mudah Coconut Shrimp Curry Recipe
Waktu persiapan: 5 minutesCook waktu: 25 minutesYield: 4 porsi.
Untuk mencairkan udang beku, udang tempat dalam mangkuk besar, tutup dengan dingin, air ringan asin. Tambahkan beberapa es batu. Diamkan selama 15 menit sampai dicairkan.
Ini adalah resep dasar. Silahkan berpakaian itu. Tambahkan seledri cincang atau paprika untuk bawang dan / atau jahe segar atau potong dadu tomat. Bereksperimen dengan bumbu kari yang Anda gunakan.
Simpan Resep
1 sendok makan minyak zaitun
1 cangkir cincang halus bawang
1/2 sendok teh bubuk kari ringan kuning
Pinch tanah kapulaga atau benih dari 1 kapulaga polong, hancur
1/2 sendok teh garam Kosher
1 cangkir santan kaleng (menggunakan santan biasa TIDAK cahaya)
Air 1/4 cangkir
1 £ mentah, kupas, deveined udang (dengan atau tanpa ekor)
Cilantro untuk hiasan
Jika Anda belum defrosted udang, jika menggunakan beku, lakukan itu sementara Anda menyiapkan saus. Udang akan dicairkan dan siap untuk memasak pada saat saus dilakukan.
kelapa-udang-kari 1 kelapa-udang-kari-2
1 Panaskan minyak zaitun dalam ukuran tumis panci menengah atas api sedang. Tambahkan bawang cincang. Masak sampai tembus, sekitar 5 menit. Tambahkan bubuk kari, kapulaga, dan garam. Masak selama dua menit lagi.
kelapa-udang-kari-3 kelapa-udang-kari-4
2 Tambahkan santan dan air, didihkan selama 5 sampai 10 menit.
kelapa-udang-kari-5 kelapa-udang-kari-6
3. Tambahkan udang ke saus kari dan tersebar merata dalam panci. Didihkan selama 5 menit, aduk sesekali, sampai udang telah berubah dari abu-abu menjadi merah muda dan hanya matang. Jangan terlalu lama atau udang akan karet.
Sajikan dengan cilantro untuk hiasan. Sajikan dengan nasi basmati atau lebih baik lagi, basmati kelapa beras.

2014 Toyota Corolla

2014 toyota corolla Log in as the last participant in the medium class sedan, Corolla Altis has a myriad of advantages. He is now looking good with the philosophy of the Keen Look into the global Toyota sedan design language.Not only compared to the previous generation, in fights with 408 Sedan...
2014 Toyota Corolla

2014 Jeep Compass 4X4

2014 Jeep Compass SUV lovers realize not everyone in the world wants a 4 × 4 car big dimension and berpeforma very powerful. For that dibuatlahJeep Compass fairly compact size when compared to the Grand Cherokee. But it still has the Jeep Compass SUVs American identity remains strong as does the ...
2014 Jeep Compass 4X4

Minggu, 02 November 2014

Resep Zuppa Soup Mantap

Resep Zuppa Soup cukup nikamta kalo kita makan masih terasa hangat , cocok kalo habis hujan makin tambah mantap, dengan paduan kulit pastry yang rasany renyah banget, dan mantap. cara bikinya pun cukup mudah dan bahan bahanya pasti ada kok nah pengen mencicipi gimana rasa kehangatan soup ini, y...
Resep Zuppa Soup Mantap

Sabtu, 01 November 2014

Ferrari 458 Spider Best Performance

Ferrari 458 Spider for four consecutive years Ferrari engines excel in two categories at the international award "Engine of the Year" as the Best Performance Engine 4.0 Liter class above. The winner this time was the 4.5-liter naturally aspirated V8 engine that is the heart pacemaker models 458 ...
Ferrari 458 Spider Best Performance

Angel Hair Pasta dengan kerang, Cherry Tomatoes, dan Basil

Angel Hair Pasta dengan kerang, Cherry Tomatoes, dan Basil

Hello tukang kebun musim panas, telah tomat Anda datang belum? Tanaman kami baru mulai untuk menanggung tomat matang, dan jika aku bisa menjaga hornworms di teluk (Kewaspadaan Constant!) Kita akan memiliki tanaman yang menakjubkan. Resep Masakan Nusantara Kemangi kami punya mulai akhir tapi sekarang gembira meledak keluar dari bedeng, membutuhkan potongan harian. Kedua-tomat dan mitra yang sempurna kemangi-seperti di taman, dan di piring.
Berikut adalah, anak-menyenangkan malaikat rambut pasta hidangan cepat dan mudah kami dibuat baru-baru dengan cincang kerang kalengan dan tomat dan kemangi dari kebun. Saya katakan "anak menyenangkan" karena keponakan saya berusia 16 tahun menelan itu dan datang kembali untuk lebih. Dia semacam anak besar sekarang, tapi saya berpikir bahwa yang lebih muda akan seperti ini juga.
Ikuti di Pinterest
Angel Hair Pasta dengan kerang, Cherry Tomatoes, dan Basil Resep
Waktu persiapan: 15 minutesCook waktu: 15 minutesYield: Porsi 2 sampai 3.
Hemat waktu dengan prepping bawang merah, bawang putih, tomat, dan kemangi sedangkan air untuk pasta sedang memanas.
Simpan Resep
30 tomat ceri, dibelah dua "
Garam 1/4 sendok teh
4 sdm cincang kemangi segar, dibagi
1/4 cangkir minyak zaitun
1/2 cangkir irisan bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih cincang
2 kaleng 6 ons cincang kerang (dan jus mereka)
8 ons capellini atau malaikat rambut pasta
Garam untuk air pasta
1 Tempat tomat iris dalam mangkuk. Aduk dengan 1/4 sendok teh garam dan 2 sdm dari kemangi segar cincang. Sisihkan.
2 Membawa panci besar air asin mendidih (4 liter air, 2 sendok makan garam). Saat air mulai mendidih, persiapan bawang merah dan bawang putih dan mulai saus.
malaikat-rambut-pasta-kerang-tomat-basil 1 malaikat-rambut-pasta-kerang-tomat-basil-2
3 Panaskan minyak zaitun dalam tumis panci besar di atas api sedang. Tambahkan bawang merah iris dan masak sampai tembus, aduk sering. Tambahkan bawang putih dan masak selama 30 detik lagi. Tambahkan tomat dan masak selama 2 menit. Tambahkan kerang cincang dengan jus mereka. Kecilkan api ke rendah dan biarkan mendidih pada suhu rendah, sementara pasta memasak.
4 Setelah air pasta asin datang sampai mendidih, tambahkan pasta dan masak, ditemukan pada panas tinggi sampai al dente, tidak lebih dari 2 menit. Tiriskan pasta, pemesanan 1/4 cangkir air pasta. Tambahkan 1/4 cangkir pasta air untuk saus dalam panci tumis.
malaikat-rambut-pasta-kerang-tomat-kemangi-3 malaikat-rambut-pasta-kerang-tomat-kemangi-4
5. Tambahkan pasta ke dalam campuran tomat ceri dan melemparkan untuk menggabungkan. Aduk dalam 2 kemangi segar yang tersisa sdm cincang.
Sajikan segera.

LaFerrari XX - Ferrari Car Challenge P1 McLaren GTR

LaFerrari XX - Ferrari Car Challenge P1 McLaren GTR

LaFerrari XX - Ferrari Car Challenge P1 McLaren GTR
Blog Automotive - Car Ferrari predicted to be heavy enemy for McLaren GTR P1 again showed himself to the public. Proven re tuneup cently re-circulated spyshot in cyberspace, which shows the form of LaFerrari racing version is nicknamed "the Ferrari LaFerrari XX ".

MUST READ: Buy LaFerrari Apparently Can Not Carelessly

If previously LaFerrari XX seemed to be doing a series of trials at the Paul Ricard circuit, France, this time spyshot outstanding show when Ferrari this one being tested in the circuit of Adria Raceway, Italy.

READ ALSO: Ferrari Used Car Prices Make It Could Buy Houses!

With a view that is still disguised with stickers all over his body, Ferrari are still in the testing phase was seen in several poses. The first photo shows Ferrari LaFerrari XX while it was parked on the side of the circuit. If seen closely, it appears form the door Ferrari XX LaFerrari apply style scissor doors, which it is not uncommon habit and tend to be different than the Ferrari LaFerrari in general.


Design curve of the body also appears to uphold the value of the aerodynamic and aggressive impression. And do not forget to use the rear wing placed two on the back, as if to assert his class as a supercar.


While the second photo shows how a-glance view of the interior of the Ferrari LaFerrari XX. This is the first time diperlihatkannya condition of the cabin of the car are prepared Ferrari as the racing cars. Looks few racing-style instruments and accessories adorn the cabin LaFerrari XX. Starting from the steering wheel, dashboard buttons on the control panel, up to his seat.


The third photo shows when LaFerrari XX was parked in the middle of the circuit. But unfortunately not yet known how it performs when it is due to this temporary full information about the specifications of the XX LaFerrari Ferrari engine also remains unclear. Desusnya rumors say that this one Ferrari car will carry a 6.3-liter V12 engine that has been modified and is mated to an electric motor. With the engine specification is expected LaFerrari XX can output a maximum power of up to 1,050 HP (772 kW).

Regardless of whether or not these rumors, the new Ferrari itself reportedly will announce the engine specification information LaFerrari XX officially at the end of this year, to coincide with the convening Ferrari Finali Mondiali in Abu Dhabi (3 to December 6, 2014).

Interestingly, Ferrari cars are included in the class supercar will only be produced as many as 30 units. His debut will take place in the automotive exhibition at the Geneva Motor Show to be held in March 2015.

Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

Suzuki Ertiga GX

Ertiga born of Suzuki R3 concept car that appeared in the New Delhi Auto Show 2002. A concept car that is predicted to have three rows of seats for seven passengers. In Indonesia, the Ertiga comes in three variants, namely GA, GL and GX (highest). What you see on this page is Ertiga GX is priced Rp 165 million (OTR Jabodetabek).

PT Indomobil Suzuki Sales (SIS), agent brand holder (APM) Suzuki in Indonesia, expect a lot on this car. SIS wants to lift sales rank Suzuki Ertiga in Indonesia last year was fourth under the Toyota, Daihatsu and Mitsubishi (The association).

Moreover, Ertiga even touted as a trigger that would create a national car sales rose to one million units by the end of 2012.

Apart from that, the SIS is likely to be successful with the cars assembled at the factory Suzuki in Gurgaon, India, is. Figures pivot at dealerships SIS total has reached 12,000 units in the period from February to May.
Ertiga standing on the platform of the second generation Suzuki Swift with adjustments. That means it uses monocoque chassis and independent supensi models MacPherson strut front and torsion beam at the rear coil fitted.

Embedded coded K14B engine with a capacity of 1373 cc and DOHC VVT-tech valve (double overhead camshaft). It is coded machine K which has the largest capacity (other K-series engine is also used by the Splash, and other Suzuki"s city car).

The maximum power generated is 95 hp at 6,000 rpm. While the maximum torque (torque) recorded 130 Nm at 4,000 rpm appearing. Performance is dated 5-speed manual transmission that drives the front wheels.

Engine block is made with an aluminum base material to save weight, and claimed to work with minimal friction. In addition, the engine cradle (engine mounting) hydraulic vibration machine also makes a more muted.

On the exterior, with dimensions (LxWxH) 4,265 mm x 1,695 mm x 2,740 mm, his face showing shades Splash / Swift with large headlights and as if pulled back. Front grille too, though wider, but will instantly remind the Splash. Circumference large front fender and striped firm makes it look dashing and classy.

The back looks normal with the trunk door that opens upward and provide wide access. Taillights remind us to belong to the SX-4, although the design is widened to the front side. While spolier at the top that is integrated with a touch of sporty trunk door.

What makes us wonder is wide enough side-opening rear doors. In addition to a fairly large door, the door can open almost 90 degrees. It is of course easy access to go into the middle row.

According to Suzuki, they have worked hard to reduce the interference of NVH (noise, vibration, harshness / noise, vibration, and harshness) on the Ertiga. Usually, the car in the price range under 200 million, it is indeed disturbing. Starting from the cabin mengintrusi engine sound with a strong, rough up suspension kickback.

In terms of cabin noise, we lift up to subtle engine sound into the cabin. If examined, Suzuki designed the firewall (the boundary between the engine and cabin space) well. Silencers are attached to the engine noise was successfully shrink, even when she was working at its maximum rotation. The other thing is, if observed, the distance between the engine and the firewall far enough.

The dampers are also thick on the roof, as well as some parts of the floor. In addition, Suzuki also designed with a thick rubber door baloon models, so that the sound does not easily fit. Even though the door rubber clamp, designed to block sound.

MPV class vehicles usually have problems with aerodynamics. The figure is relatively high and long to be one contributing factor to the large wind resistance. Designers Ertiga make some things to outsmart. First, the rear roof design made ​​with slightly decreased. In addition, the curve of a meeting between the mirror and the door is made not angled, so that air can flow more smoothly. Moreover, the windscreen is made selandai possible, so that the air flow from the front of the glass can slide smoothly.

However, the problem arises in the meeting between the A-pillars to the hood. Ertiga has a considerable niche in this section, to accommodate wipers, ventilation, and water spray glass cleaner. This niche that ultimately resulted in air turbulence and make a roar, though not to the extent of disturbing the tranquility of the cabin.

Other roar can be heard from the wheel. This can happen because the quality of the tire that makes the air flow becomes a mess, or fenders are too narrow so that the air flowing through it difficult to smoothly.

Beyond that, we were indeed surprised because Ertiga has a quiet cabin, as well as vibration damping which is awesome for a low-MPV.
Wide field of view, despite the low seating position. That"s the first impression when sitting in the driver"s seat. And with the use of beige, Ertiga feels luxurious. This color also gives the interior a relief effect. Interior materials is "too plastic", as predicted. However, the motifs on the plastic-plastic, making it seem cheesy.

Beige also pinned to the seat. Especially for the driver, height adjustable seat to get the ideal sitting position. The sitting position Ertiga is fairly low for the size of an MPV. However, it is still higher than the Swift.

Instruments arranged ergonomically for easy reach. Short gearshift lever was easy to reach, and allows more rapid movement of the lever. However, the Ertiga, its operation feels a bit harsh.

In the middle of the dashboard, there is a double tuneup din head unit that can play radio, CD, USB and even, the socket mounted neatly in the bottom of the console. Audio settings can also be done from the circumference of the wheel, the one thing that is not owned by a rival.

Meanwhile, although the meter on the instrument cluster in front of the driver is fine, but still comfortable and clear to be seen.

The second row seats can be moved as far as 240 mm for comfortable leg space independently, and can be folded 60:40 to increase storage space. Facilities fairly complete in this section. Ranging from easy access as stated earlier, until the arm rest and storage area. Unfortunately, not yet available AC double blower to cool the rear cabin.

The third row seats are relatively narrow. However, thanks to a middle seat that can be dimajumundurkan, it is a little bit helped. The floor in this section is slightly higher than the front, which helps provide unimpeded field of view for rear passengers.

Overall, the interior is quite good Ertiga. The absence of double blower for rear passengers not too problematic because the bursts of air from the front of the rear cabin is still able to make cool, although it needs a longer time. In addition, the audio settings are done from the steering wheel, dual airbag safety features, as well as the middle seat back and forth can be a plus.

Resep Cake Tape Istimewa

Resep Cake Tape ini adalah kue yang berasal dari singkong lho. yang sebelumnya singkaong di kasih ragi dan di jadikan  tape. nah selain di gorengt dan juga di makan gitu aja ternyata bisa di bikinkan menjadi kue yang sangat enak dan juga mntap cara membuat kue ini cukup sederhana tak perlu p...
Resep Cake Tape Istimewa

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

2013 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4

2013 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 The car that came from Italy has the ability to see very quickly. Just look at the acceleration. In order to reach speeds of 0-100 kilometers per hour, it only takes 3.9 seconds. Meanwhile, the maximum speed reached 324 kilometers per hour. Based on the official ...
2013 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Zucchini, Eggplant, Tomato Gratin

Zucchini, Eggplant, Tomato Gratin

Oh my. Look who’s getting all fancy with the vegetable resep Masakan nusantara s! It’s as if my garden decided to throw a prom, and the eggplants, zucchini, and tomatoes banded together to show everyone else up. (Clearly they deserve best prize for something, don’t you think?)
Normally I would look at something like this and think it’s waaaay too complicated. But this summer vegetable gratin is actually quite straightforward. To prepare these vegetables, you have to cut them anyway, so why not cut them in rounds and arrange them in a pretty pattern?
Zucchini Eggplant Tomato Gratin
If you recall, Remy, the “little chef” in Pixar’s Ratatouille movie, prepared something similar for Anton Ego, the food critic. This isn’t that dish, but something much easier. You just sauté onions and bell peppers, layer them at the bottom of a casserole dish, top with rounds of eggplant, zucchini, and tomato. Top that with cheese and bake!
It’s a lovely, easy, colorful presentation for our favorite summer vegetables. A perfect side to take to a party.
Zucchini, Eggplant, Tomato Gratin Recipe
Prep time: 20 minutesCook time: 1 hour, 10 minutesYield: Serves 6 to 8.
We"re topping this gratin with provolone and Parmesan cheeses. You could easily top it with Gruyere instead. For a more Provencal approach, skip the cheese all together and top with bread crumbs, minced garlic, parsley, and olive oil.
Save Recipe
3 Tbsp olive oil
2 cups sliced yellow onion (1 large onion)
1 cup of sliced red, orange, or yellow bell peppers
1 long eggplant (a slender eggplant like a Japanese eggplant, not a large globe, about 1/2 pound)
1 large zucchini (about 10 to 12 inches long, 1 1/2 inch diameter, about 1/2 pound), or other summer squash
2 medium sized tomatoes
3 cloves of garlic, peeled and smashed
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 ounces Provolone cheese, sliced or grated
3 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
saute peppers and onions spread peppers and onions out in an even layer
1 In a large sauté pan heat 2 Tbsp of the olive oil on medium high heat. Add the sliced onions and cook until lightly browned, stirring frequently, about 10 minutes. Add the sliced bell peppers and continue to cook with the onions until the bell peppers are softened and the onions are well browned, about 5 to 6 minutes more. When done, transfer the onions and bell peppers into a large gratin pan or casserole dish.
2 While the onions and peppers are cooking, slice the eggplant and zucchini in 1/4-inch thick round slices. You"ll also want to slice the tomato into 1/4-inch thick slices, but depending on how big your tomato is, you may need to cut the tomato in half or in quarters first. All of the sliced vegetable pieces should be about the same size to make it easier to layer them in an attractive manner.
top with slices of eggplant, zucchini, tomato continue to top with slices of tomato, eggplant, zucchini in an attractive pattern
3 Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Spread the cooked onions and bell peppers in an even layer at the bottom of the gratin dish. Place the mashed garlic on top of the onions and peppers. Arrange the slices of the eggplant, zucchini, and tomato on top of the cooked onions and peppers, alternating the vegetables, in an attractive pattern, stacking them and fanning them across the surface of the dish.
top with cheese
4 Sprinkle with salt and parsley. Top with Provolone and Parmesan cheeses. Drizzle the remaining tablespoon of olive oil around the perimeter, where the vegetables meet the side of the dish.
5 Cover with foil (it helps to grease the underside of the foil with a little olive oil so that the cheese as it melts does not stick to the foil). Bake for 40 minutes at 350°F (175°C). Remove the foil. Turn on the broiler and broil for 5 minutes or until nicely browned.

Resep Steak Ayam Dengan Mayones

Resep Steak Ayam kita sering bosan kan dengan masakan ayam yang paling cuma di goreng gitu aja kan. pastinya makan ga begitu menjadi selera kita
ayam itu menag mudah untuk kreasinya mau di bikin apa aja pasti tetep enak kan, ngomong masalah ayam gimana ya kalo kita bikn kaya masak sapi
nah ayo...
Resep Steak Ayam Dengan Mayones

Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

Volvo XC60

The 2014 Volvo XC60 is one of the best selling products from volvo. With this one car, the Volvo hopes to increase its market worldwide. This car has a design that is very fierce. With the fierce design then this car is perfect for those of you who have an adventurous spirit. The impression that...
Volvo XC60

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

Nissan Grand Livina Autech HWS

I never thought that a car can be a tool to unite the family. At least until a personnel Mazda Motor Indonesia says it is. And he"s right. The classical problem that is common in modern family living in a big city is, the difficulty of the time to get together and chat with the family itself, because of the demands of the tasks and activities of each.

Here, a car has an important role in knitting harmony of a family, especially MPV. The time consumed for its own activities, can be a little treat when the family was driving along. From there, the importance of the element of comfort and practicality of an MPV.

Take for example the latest SKYACTIV Mazda Biante gliding mat Indonesia International Motor Show 2013, September. We along with Mazda Motor Indonesia (MMI) test as far as almost 800 km route Jakarta, Pangandaran, London, and back to Jakarta.

Mazda Biante First Drive
Biante "regular" is not embraced Skyactiv technology is already emphasizes comfort. Although we do not like the fuel consumption is more wasteful than major competitors such as Toyota and Nissan Serena NAV1.

SKYACTIV technology package promoted, making Biante able to laugh at the opponents. Fuel consumption of 17.3 kpl to "selling point" that can be relied upon, not to mention the other features in the technical part.

Before discussing the details, it helps us see first, what it Biante Skyactiv. MMI"s car market as an additional variant of the Mazda Biante family. Thus, ordinary engined Biante, still you can find in the Mazda dealers, although we feel orbit period will not be longer.

Biante than usual, Biante Skyactiv sold more expensive (USD 398 million). However, some features had to be reduced in order to suppress the price. But do not worry too much, because some of the important features are absent in the usual Biante now presented. Like the i-Stop, paddle shifters, leather upholstery, and a Multi-Information Display (MID).

And no need to feel that the price is too expensive, because the package SKYACTIV technologies include advanced engine SKYACTIV-G that can be filled with fuel Pertamax class, plus transmission SKYACTIV-DRIVE six-speed that understands your needs.

Mazda Biante First Drive
On the exterior, the most striking difference is on the face somewhat changed thanks to the use of new chrome grille. Honestly, his face now looks more conservative than the previous Biante modern look. On the bottom side, there is a chrome molding that extends from the front to the rear bumper. The rear lights are also now LED tech auto tune up
nology has been embraced.

Dimensions Biante SKYACTIV unchanged, with a length of 4,715 mm, height 1,350 mm. In addition, the Biante is the most wide-MPV in its class with a 1.545 mm, and has a wheelbase of 2,850 mm. Dimensions width and wheelbase is used by Mazda designers to pair a middle seat that can be moved in four directions (forward, backward, left, and right), and provides flexibility excess. Therefore, Biante can carry up to eight people at a middle seat

Resep Marmer Cake Lembut

Resep Marmer Cake cake yang sangat cantik, dan patutu untuk di coba untuk menambah kelengkapan menu andalah kue kita di rumah kan nah bahan dan cara nya cukup mudah agar kita bisa membuat kuue yang cantik dan fenomenal ini, masih pada penasaran gimana seh cara bikin kue nya ,yuk kita bikin a...
Resep Marmer Cake Lembut

Dodge Durango 2014

Dodge Durango 2014 is the latest type of car and the type of Durango SUV that looks very interesting and new appeared on the Detroit Auto Show this year and when seen from the model of this car is a car look adventurous type. And a display model of the car looks different from the model Dodge...
Dodge Durango 2014

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

apple tukang sepatu

apple tukang sepatu

Mampir rumah orang tua saya pada bulan September atau Oktober dan kemungkinan Anda tidak akan pergi tanpa tas penuh dengan apel granny smith dari pohon mereka. Ayahku cangkok beberapa varietas apel di pohon itu, tetapi pandai besi nenek adalah orang-orang yang paling produktif, dan mereka juga bagus untuk pai, saus apel, mentega, dan tukang sepatu.
Salah satu hal favorit kami untuk membuat dengan apel kita adalah tukang apple ini. Mengisi ini dibumbui dengan kayu manis, lemon, dan vanili dan tidak terlalu manis. Buttermilk biskuit tukang kerak berbintik-bintik dengan potongan manisan jahe. Sebanyak yang kita cintai pie, tukang sepatu jauh lebih rewel. Anda tidak menggelar kerak, tapi hanya sendok adonan kerak di atas mengisi. Jadi Anda mendapatkan rasa besar pie dengan setengah pekerjaan!
Diperbarui dari arsip resep. Pertama kali diposting di tahun 2007.
apple tukang sepatu
Apple tukang sepatu Resep
Waktu persiapan: 30 minutesCook waktu: 40 minutesYield: Melayani 6-8
Simpan Resep
Mengisi bahan:
£ 3 dari berbagai apel memasak yang baik seperti Granny Smith, Pippin, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Gravenstein
2 sendok makan jus lemon
4 sdm mentega tawar
1/2 cangkir gula
Tepung 1 sdm
1/2 sendok teh kayu manis
1/4 sdt bubuk pala
1 sendok teh ekstrak vanili
Bahan Crust:
2 cangkir tepung terigu
1/4 cangkir gula
2 sendok teh baking powder
1/2 sendok teh baking soda
Garam 1/2 sendok teh
1/2 cangkir (1 tongkat atau 4 ons) mentega tawar, potong dadu kecil
1 cangkir buttermilk
1 sdm jahe cincang halus mengkristal
1 sendok teh lemon atau kulit jeruk
1 Peel, seperempat, dan inti apel. Potong 1/4 sampai 1/2 inci potongan. Ketika Anda persiapan apel, menambahkannya ke mangkuk dan aduk dengan jus lemon untuk menjaga mereka dari oksidasi (berubah cokelat).
kupas, inti, potong apel pra-memasak apel
2 Lelehkan mentega dalam panci besar di atas api sedang. Tambahkan apel cincang (dan jus lemon dari mangkuk), gula, kayu manis, dan pala. Aduk untuk melapisi dengan segala sesuatu sehingga rempah-rempah dan gula didistribusikan dengan baik di seluruh apel. Sebagian menutupi panci dan masak sampai apel hanya lembut, sekitar 10 menit. Aduk vanili, dan aduk untuk melapisi dengan satu sendok makan tepung. Transfer mengisi apple tukang sepatu (termasuk jus dari apel) ke hidangan 10-inch pie, seorang deep-dish dish pie 9-inch, atau loyang 9x9 inci.
potong dalam mentega aduk untuk membuat adonan tukang sepatu
3 Panaskan oven sampai 425 ° F. Dalam sebuah mangkuk sedang kocok tepung, gula, baking powder, baking soda, dan garam. Tambahkan mentega potong dadu dan aduk agar mantel dengan campuran tepung. Gunakan ujung jari Anda atau blender pastry untuk memotong mentega ke dalam campuran tepung sampai potongan terbesar mentega tidak lebih besar dari kacang. Aduk dalam jahe manisan dan semangat. Buat lubang di tengah campuran tepung dan tuangkan dalam buttermilk. Gunakan garpu untuk mengaduk tepung dan buttermilk bersama sampai tepung adalah semua basah. Jangan terlalu banyak pekerjaan adonan!
mengisi piring pie dengan apel pre-cooked apel atas dengan campuran adonan
4 Crumble adonan tukang dari atas apel d resep masakan indonesia loyang. (Jika Anda ingin pizzaz tambahan yang dapat taburi bagian atas dengan gula merah sedikit.)
menghapus apple tukang sepatu dari oven
5 Tempat loyang berbingkai di rak terendah di oven (untuk menangkap setiap tetesan), dan tempat tukang sepatu pada rak terendah berikutnya. Panggang selama 10 menit pada 425 ° F sampai atas mulai coklat, sekitar 10 sampai 15 menit. Kemudian menurunkan suhu sampai 350 ° F dan panggang selama 30 menit lagi sampai topping matang dan mengisi bergelembung.
Sajikan hangat dengan whipped cream atau es krim vanila.

2015 Renault Duster Facelift

2015 Renault Duster Facelift Renault Duster Last year, Renault tries to jump back into the Indonesian market through its flagship products in the entry-level class is the Renault Duster SUV. The car is relatively new to the Indonesian market is to take the base of the Dacia Duster for Europe are...
2015 Renault Duster Facelift

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Resep Mangut Lele Maknyus

Resep Mangut Lele Siapa seh yang ga kenal dengan namanya, mau di bikin apa aja pasti ini enak jenis ikan ini emang sangat banyak mengandung banyak protein yang di butuhkan tubuh kita, nah kalo skekarang ini kita kan mebuat dan memasak lain dari pada yang lain yuk kita buktikan saja

Resep Mangut Lele Maknyus

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014